7 thoughts on “All Five Books

  1. Wow! I recently discovered your writing and must say I am beyond impressed! I immediately began to binge-read all of your blog posts for days on end and then I began to digest your YouTube videos. You are feeding my mind such nutrient-dense information that I find myself hungering for more! I just bought all 5 of your books and I look forward to receiving them.

    Keep up the good work! Our world needs more original, intelligent, and progressive thinkers such as yourself. I am grateful to have found you and I feel that you are on the precipice of something huge that I feel privileged to have discovered. You have put a voice to patterns I have seen and felt in our world that have greatly disturbed me, yet you were able to dissect these disturbing elements in a way that not only made more sense of the madness, but offered theories that dispelled my fear and disgust and transmuted those feelings into understanding and compassion. That is a priceless gift, James, and I wholeheartedly thank you!

    FYI… I have tried to join the Dojo, but I encounter a technical glitch that does not allow me to proceed because the link necessary to verify my account never arrives in my email even though your website clearly recognizes my email address and password. I have attempted to have the verification email resent numerous times, but to no avail.

  2. Hey James,

    I just got Best Apocalypse Ever yesterday, and I’m about halfway through it. LOVE IT. I want to buy your other four books now, but since I already have this one, can I get the other four at a discount? I remember before you selling those four for $69 or something? Please let me know. I can’t wait to read them all. Much love, brother ~

    I just saw the previous post again. I’ll follow that payment link and see if it works 🙂

  3. I just purcahsed all 5! I´m having these sent to my buddy in America (Ohio) and he will bring them to Brazil when he comes to visit me. Which one should I read 1st, 2nd, 3rd…?

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