808 – Urf Day Cruise

Decided to Livestream today. Nothing important, just saying “Hello.” Gamera. Gamera. Gamera is really neat. He is made of turtle meat. Everyone loves Gamera.

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806 – Gangs of New York

The New York Times was founded by a Republican with the nation’s first Gatling Gun. Our Union was preserved under the emancipation of everyone

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802 – The Last Supper

Good Friday is the perfect time to explore the Last Supper and the ritual of cannibalism in Rome. If the sacrificial lamb is eaten,

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427 – How Life Works

Consciousness is a biological collection of limbic inputs working in tandem under a singular Zeus. Every organism requires a mythology to keep itself together.

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425 – Send in the Clones

Is this world-renowned Polo superstar, fashion icon, wealthy oil tycoon, and owner of 200 cloned horses a human clone? What has Argentina been doing

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423 – Sympathetic Contagion

Contagion is a sympathetic vibration occupying more than one host. The vibration is spread through two or more people oscillating, or believing, in the

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420 – Re-Reefer Monogamy

The effects of cannabis on the body and the endocannabinoid system. How alcohol and marijuana treat the body. Why one is illegal and the

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416 – You Must be this Tall

Objective reality is the ultimate conspiracy. The conspiracy is linear finitude. The conspiracy is the conformity to sameness. It 100% impossible to see the

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414 – Open Topics

Fielding topics from the chat should anyone post anything. Otherwise, I will see you all Friday for the next show.

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388 – The Reefs of Man

Man converts freshwater into salt as he grows. Conscious experience is potassium slowly converted into bone. Our skeletons are a coral reef breathing the

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384 – The Evil Eye

The evil eye the belief that spiteful looks can damage one’s health, fertility, or property. It was prevalent throughout the ancient Near East and

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382 – A Hollow Cost

Eugenics is romanticized. Eugenics is capitalized. Eugenics is politicized. Eugenics is a natural resource. So why are we asking for help from people who

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379 – Cypher Monday

Embrace the holidays or die. Why do we fail to resist holiday music? The Dark Magic of Bah humbug. I’m forming an orchestra and

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376 – The Dark Worker

People have it all backward. The ones who never make anyone mad are hoarding their medicine. People like me who are constantly triggering people

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365 – The Lamb of God

Albinism and the birth of Noah. The genetics behind Noah’s Ark and the Baphomet. Chimerism. Why Canaan is Noah’s fourth son and grandson.

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#352 – Valley of the Ka

Egypt’s Valley of the Kings is misunderstood as a hiding place for buried kings. These were the gates of Ka — Antenna planted underground

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#347 – His name was Ellen Page

Gender dysphoria, dead-naming, and how self-mutilation circumvented the DSMV. In 1913, Humanity discovered the new frontier of its animus/anima. We’ve been mutilating each other

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#343 – About Juneteenth

All Americans are sharecroppers for their time and we have government-created Holidays like “Juneteenth” to thank for it. How the birth of financial slavery

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#339 – For Pirate and Country

Countries were forged under the commission of privateers. Piracy created the product of allegiance as an insurance policy. Roman Proscription. The definition of “Outlaw.”

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#337 – The Magma of Belief

There are priorities to our belief technology. Each belief is enhanced or subdued by its efficacy. Rumors. Superstition. Manners. Politics. Cosmology. Zetetic. Comfort. Preservation.

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#328 – U2Kraine

Justin Trudeau and Jill Biden risk life and limb to celebrate Mother’s Day with U2 in a Ukrainian war zone. Also, it’s Merde Moth’s

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#322 – Notre Osiris

Does Toulous have the body of Osiris? The three-year anniversary of the Notre Dame fire is marked by an interesting revelation. And on the

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