Dojo #77 – Pulling Teeth

Adam gets pulled over on New Years and the vitriol keeps flowing. He’s got the world right where he wants it. This is a follow-through for all of us to witness.

2 thoughts on “Dojo #77 – Pulling Teeth

  1. Adam, you legend! From an old Jedi who’s had YEARS of this ‘no crime’ vitriol, to a young ‘un, I have stories! Notice too, that the car manufacturers give you a 240kph speedometer with a 2km wide needle gauge when they could lose half of that range and give you a more accurate reading at a glance. And yes, this is a town close to winter skiing and police from the city come here in the holidays to catch fish in a barrel. I got a speeding ticket in Melbourne for going with the traffic and was sent a camera snapshot which was the ‘evidence’. This was years ago before I knew about sovereignty or counter offers, I was just thinking out of the box.  I parked my car outside the local police station and sent them the keys with a letter asking them to please accept alternative payment (my clunker) by registered mail.  A pair of our local police came to my door to return the keys and I had opportunity to say my piece. They wanted MONEY of course! I’m sure they heard the cheering coming from my kitchen as they returned to their car. A week later that winter I got another ticket for my registration plate being obscured at 15 meters. I went to court this time with a Statement I asked to read in front of the magistrate. I offered to spend the winter here going up and down the main street once a day with a bucket of water and a brush to clean muddy number plates, weekdays only, in lieu of payment. The magistrate dismissed my case, and magically both fines got caught up in the dismissal. I had something to say that needed to be heard that time.  Other times since have not been so auspicious. 
    WELL DONE Adam!

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