381 – The Medicine of Demons

People don’t like it when you call them haunted but they should. Exorcism is the manipulation of ectoplasm. The Holy Spirit is the ectoplasm of belief. This is the oldest medicine and requires no needles.


thank you


you on foreign


down [Music]

believing me got something true



thank you [Music]


thank you we’re not muted but we got the slur on

let me turn off this slurs this way this way there’s no slur welcome all

good to be here let me know if you hear audio need to know

if the audio is working before we begin with the ceremony

I trust all of you are well everyone is uh

having a normal Friday I presume right right

I hope some of you have been seeking your your Heil your your highest your

highest ways your highest processes and have found a uh

a new platform on this plethora which is uh this world of insanity

um my God Colby Wright

[ __ ] I am always

forgetting about no pants Friday welcome to the show I’m your

I’m your co-host uh Ka Hitler and uh really glad you guys have uh made

it like to uh begin today’s episode

with the opening of the uh colindar the colandar is uh

it’s time to be open I’m not muted okay good and uh I want to point out to people that katua

the land of katua is uh option one there it is katua right there

and we will be opening on live that should have been yesterday but I wanted to show you live as we pop the Cherry of

the colandar and there we go it’s popped

it’s popped my friends pretty psyched about that let me see

and we have a piece of candy and that is going to someone

very special I actually can’t tell you who this person’s for but the second one I’m going to tell you who it’s for

because it’s it’s going to come from the captain’s seat right up here where the captain is in the colandar right there

that’s they’re going to be number two did any did any of you ever suspect

that you would see me doing this with a colandar

dressed like Hitler with no pants have any of you predicted that have any

of you thought this was possibly possibly something that that could have happened

and I see David Trane is here too we’ve we’ve hired David Trainor this year to

to be the official uh candy uh fairness

board the candy honesty board and he will be verifying the Integrity

of our elections um and the person who

I don’t know how to roll back without you seeing my underwear let me see let me see how far

I can get away with this

all right um Okay so

we have Josh Janet and Sterling

JJs sjj uh I will uh

I will ask the chat to enter a number between one and three one two or three

five shall be too high so shall four and the first number I see will will be the

the recipient of the candy three okay thank you moth that is Sterling Lee Sterling Lee will be

receiving Kennedy oh [ __ ] I just said his last name damn it no I didn’t I was making that up yeah

because every time I stream I tell a lie well okay so I’m gonna take this off now

because uh it’s falling off and um I hope you guys enjoyed that I actually

do want to say a few words about about Hitler and I’m gonna do it without pencil and I did not see this coming

this is totally not what I saw coming but um

I don’t actually critique Hitler because people are too busy critiquing Hitler and in fact

we’ve been using Hitler as a kind of like uh a gouache in the hobo bar

as a sort of like uh um hey can you hang with us

and the answer is always well we will we will throw epitaphs at the door and if

the person stays in the bar the hobo bar they belong it’s kind of how it’s sort of working I’m not trying to speak for

the rest of the hobos but I feel one of them right now is holding up a tin can that has like a razor chunk

out of it and it’s probably dog food and he doesn’t care and he’s got it wrapped

in a bandana and he’s holding it up in toast right now at me saying that saying our you’re right

you’re right James then why didn’t you get some candy for us James why did you not get us some candy but uh you know

Hitler was right to Reich Hitler was right to

uh to have this vision of of the Ubermensch right he he was right to have

this vision of greatness that he saw it’s a beautiful thing to have Jesus had

the exact same thing he saw the exact same thing in people he would look at someone and say I expect greatness from

you and so they would they would or

they would not now when you expect greatness from someone you can’t just expect it because you are not actually

connecting to them you are connecting through your face the fmri functional MRI showing you this asynchronous

connection so when you were seeing the best in someone what you’re really doing is compassionating their gold that’s

what you’re doing you’re you’re seeing their entire field and you’re saying all of these things right here

uh are rust and corrosion and I’m seeing

through those and I’m only rendering the gold that I see in you and this is why people feel

such a strong energy from uh from Pride

from someone something someone being proud of them you f you catch yourself sometimes saying I’m proud of you and

and then you’re like wait that’s [ __ ] you’re my neighbor what

why am I proud of my neighbor stuff like that you know or couples will say that to each other all the time it it and

there’s always like a stop in their head they’re like is this is this right and and what you’re really doing is you’re

compassion dating their gold and you’re really actually proud you’re

really actually proud of yourself because you can you can see them this way

and the reason why you’re proud of yourself is because when someone else understands that you’ve been able to X-ray and see that gold they get

they get very uh very very titillated

now this titillation isn’t always good it’s going to depend on where they are in their mode right if if if they’re if

their mode is 44 Hertz and you make them feel 48 Hertz it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter how nice the things

are you’re saying you’re requiring four percent more hurts from them than their system man it may

find that very uncomfortable you’re insisting that this is the best you’re going to love this hurts but it

just doesn’t really doesn’t work for him

but this gold this seeing the Purity in someone is a haunting you’re literally haunting

someone in in your confidence and I know you’re confused and I realize

that people are like oh well wait a minute where are we going wait weren’t you just wearing the Hitler mustache

hey and and it’s it’s cool but but this is what Hitler was was actually doing

he was Haunting his people with greatness

and it only worked because he had true plasma for that the dude had a lot of passion

the dude was living in a small town just like just like uh just like you

I’m just running into small town like I want you to picture Hitler with the harmonica and leave and breathe in a

small town and he’s and he’s walking through he’s proud of his small town

he’s so proud of his small town that that he develops such a compassion for

it such a deep love for it that people start to feel

his haunting he had a sense of greatness around the

people around him but but Hitler could not find that greatness in his

fellow man he had no choice but to find that greatness in the soil of Germany

in the Fatherland Hitler placed the importance

the necessary steps for the Ascension from slave to ubermensch

in the response and the invigoration of the soil

that gave birth to the fruit of the people not in the people itself

you may not have known that you might even disagree there could be

someone right now furiously typing no that makes no sense and they may know

even no more and and prune my lips prune my prune my

Hitler lip right but I believe this is actually what

caused the downfall Hitler’s first beef

was with the Freemason the French Freemason he did not call them French Freemason but I want you to picture the

same kind of normalcy that you see around us where people like the Freemasons are here and they’re trying to kill us

that that is the exact same mentality that Hitler had no choice but to start

from because he could not find the gold in

people he only saw the gold and the potential of the soil to create these

people and the fact that he even saw that was good enough it was a necessary psychic

haunting that was required that other people found very very attractive

and as he walked through the town he started to say we must display

the strength of the local land that this local soil right here it

should have its own strength and that any other outside strength trying to to walk in or or control us

should be met with how strong we are locally that we will be our own Force

and so as Hitler was writing and meeting and collaborating more and more people

were turning into a militia of the soil

it was a soil militia it was the most natural indigenous

response that a land could have which is why it was so popular that’s actually

why and you would look at the Iroquois Confederacy as the exact same kind of

thing if you understood where the plasma went Hitler had Plasma in the soil he haunted

the soil people believed it was easier for them to believe in their soil than it was in

themselves this is why Hitler a man who is insisting the greatness of man the

first thing he wants to do is hunt down the pornographers

why because he does not have faith in the human Spirit to face dissonance

to face haunting and he doesn’t understand or have faith that that vitriol is exactly what test

man and forces him to grow

the cross is a necessity for a tomato to fruit or

to vegetate fruit yeah it’s a fruit

the cross is necessary for anything to grow out off the ground and extend

itself higher and as the the pain of that cross

invigorates right the stock the stem it’s able to grow Higher and Higher and

reach more sun and as it grows higher and higher it is met with less and less

support from its neighbors the Ubermensch will always stand what

what the non-nuber management will call alone the Uber match does not know the word alone

the Uber Mensch is the embodiment of the soil all the way up through his stock so

he is connected to everything which in a way if you could not afford

that vision would look to be something called alone but actually is something integrated

and Hitler understood that the soil would integrate the man if the soil was protected and so the militias

the militias would uh grow

locally and the militias turned into Pride parades did you realize that Nazism

began as a pride parade but that Pride was in the soil it was in

the bioregional soil this is why this is why Hitler is right

and his lack of being able to believe in the man himself is also why he’s wrong when you cannot believe in the man you

will Zionism you will create Zionism by finding a scapegoat

and removing it it would be like walking into a karate match and say Hey I want

my kid to be better at karate and the way I think he’s going to be better is I’m going to not let him fight anyone

else on the mat because now he is undefeated and look at me my Zionist regime is

undefeated that’s how the Zionist thinks it thinks in survival it thinks in I will do

something because it makes me survive I will not do something because it’s

right I will not do something because it invigorates my identity

it’s a lower form of of self-haunting this is why it’s important that you

start to understand what demons are because your neurons seriously are haunting a vessel called your body and

those neurons will lose and gain control as easily as any man can wander onto the

cockpit of your ship and simply grab the wheel your ship doesn’t know

your ship doesn’t care your ship is built to have this bottleneck response

where Consciousness can control the whole thing and you can only control the whole thing by being present in every

cell this is why you have your own Consciousness it’s because the cells that you had were always yours and they

simply split and so one cell became two well now both those cells are already invigorated with

your Consciousness so you do not have to associate into those which means you are basically your name is on the title

but it doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily controlling your boat your entire intestines will take over your

vessel sometimes and says do we want nachos and it doesn’t even want nachos it says I want salt because of all the

demons they’re living inside my gut right now and they demand more salt right now and the only way I can do that

is I can’t tell the captain we want salt because he’ll say no that’s absurd so I’m going to tell them we want nachos

instead that’s a haunting you are haunted by the Inhibitors of your serotonin literally the Guardians

of your serotonin in your gut are saying None Shall Pass until you pay us

in the dead Crystal memories

reality is not what we think it is and thank God that we’re watching what’s

happening all around us because it’s showing me more and more and more exactly why we’re here exactly what this

whole thing is all about and it’s

it’s kind of beautiful I would hate to

to ruin the stigma of Hitler and that’s pretty funny because I was

wearing a a Hitler mustache when I started the show but but it can take it and and

eventually it will be ruined and the magic of Hitler will be gone one of the things that’s so magical about

Hitler is because that stigma has so much staying power this is all about the staying power of

stigmas my friends it really is

the French aristocracy that was his first beef

and I think I think Hitler actually went went underwent a transformation very

much like I did I think James and Hitler had a similar path I think many of you when Hitler had a

similar path because you’re growing and at first I thought oh it’s Hollywood we we have to destroy we have to expose

Hollywood I tried that holy [ __ ] it’s it’s it’s the Jews it’s Hollywood

and and we can say let’s please let’s say all those things and let’s what I want us to do is to hurry up and say all

those things so we can get past the point where we’ve decided to try and kill everything

and then just watch it just makes us makes us do it more because we’ve been doing that for a long

time already and everyone’s insisting here’s a new idea let’s expose Hollywood

here’s a new idea let’s take the people that spent their life building a career in Hollywood and then let’s have them

tell us how awful it was that they have this career now let’s let’s serve that

tit right that no one’s tried that before we should try and listen more to

the people from Hollywood about Holly how bad Hollywood is because that will make it stop the I have more faith in you than Hitler

has in you or would have in you I want the porn out there I want all of these slaves pretending to

be victims out there I want to watch you parade them down the street in front of my own hobo bar and say look at what a

victim Kanye is I want that because it reminds me who

the [ __ ] you are has nothing to do with Kanye reminds me who the [ __ ] you are and in that I am

still still learning to see the gold in you I am still seeing the gold in you

because I am watching slowly as Q Anon turns into Kanye turns into the next

[ __ ] thing which was just pizzagate before that which was Iran Contra before that which was literally every gate

that’s ever been invented before that have always been a spectacle like a Mardi Gras parade and the only thing

that works is the dangling and jingling of the keys and I used to try and stop that but I realized what a blessing it

is to realize how I’m surrounded by so many children that find these keys so

captivating it’s an important her medical

instrument in this world to gain consciousness

we are gaining Consciousness the soil was cautious Hitler thought if we

protected the consciousness of the soil that Consciousness would raise up into the feet the bare feet of the

children of the Fatherland and they would become the new mother

and that same model we’re just simply seeing still alive but with more electricity and the moment you start to

invigorate and see gold in someone is the moment people start to tear you the

[ __ ] apart they tear you apart you threaten

everything that they’ve unbuilt to be here

the golden hue is the gold in you that’s beautiful pie

I don’t want a world where we listen to people who convince us all of our problems are caused by porn so we need

to round up the pornographers and everyone will be strong again

that’s Zionism it’s the same thing and I I know people

still don’t understand because like but wait don’t listen but but if you just look at the word I explained it yesterday I won’t do it again but Zion

or I explained it Wednesday it’s it’s the exact same model and it

always causes the same thing it’s a beautiful Pied Piper it’s just as beautiful as Hitler and I don’t want to take Zionism away I I I I love

understanding who around me is a Zionist I love watching the people around me

yell and scream about how evil zionists are I love watching them be a Zionist as

they’re doing that and if I was frustrated because people weren’t seeing it too I

would not be alchemizing this energy there’s a big big transformation that

has occurred and all of us have have the opportunity to level up every minute every moment

and there’s a point where that electricity of that rebuke feels too strong and you just can’t stay in there

and so you back out and this is this is what’s so beautiful about this

it’s really at the heart of even luciferianism I believe in you which is why I know we need porn

I believe in you which is why I know we need scapegoats

I believe in you because I know we need the Pied Piper of Kanye I know that

because I would not have known who you were until I watched it happen

I would have assumed that you were on the same page as me

which means I never would have even utilized my compassion my x-ray I wouldn’t have developed these skills to

see to see what I can

people don’t like it when you tell them they’re haunted but they should

they should because I would I would argue with you that most of the things that that you are unconscious about are

typically haunted by something else

and when you understand what haunted is you see it’s not really as simple as like the Scooby-Doo although the

Scooby-Doo is like a great model right like what a real estate scheme to have a Scooby-Doo

but there’s actually more to it and I think you’ll you can learn to see what what what there is more to this by uh

uh starting to imaginate with me a

everyone is haunted including you and B

you’re not actually haunted by a living entity like a personality

you’re actually more haunted by a a psychic urge

and that psychic urge comes in a variety of complexities

and just real quick I just want to remind everybody I’ve done a lot of streams on this but there’s at least 102

112 verses in the Bible just on demons

and most of them are on the necromancy people freak out when I say Jesus was a necromancer but literally it’s like in

his job description in the Bible he is a necromancer that’s his job

and the hauntings that he sees he calls dead people because it’s the the energy

of someone that is no longer there and and he was simply compassionating

seeing the gold by seeing the gold you have no choice but to see the hauntings

when you see the golden someone you understand the covering the melanin that’s wrapped around them you

understand how that melanin works you can watch its patterns you can see how angry it is how happy it is

haunting isn’t necessarily A feeling as much as it’s a texture

you were haunted by textures these textures we’ll call urges just so we can explain this

Jesus saw this and you see this too you see this too

and whether you like it or not part of you stepping through the portal and into this new era this is a new era we’re in

is you’ve gained the ability to see things that may not be comfortable until you fully understand what they are and

this is one of those things ectoplasm

a term coined by Charles rashay this dude won the Nobel Prize

and at the time when they gave him the Nobel Prize he was describing the outside and plasma something formed

or molded meaning a spiritual energy exteriorized

back then they would give you a Nobel Prize for understanding psychic energy back then it was considered valuable

right this was right before the Tesla Violet Ray device was was outlawed a war

by the FDA but that there was a thriving science built on the psychic nature an ectoplasm

was was one of the ways of talking about that and when you understand that word Believe It or Not by having that word in

your context you’re able to render that word now in your in your retina your Plato’s K well you actually see it in

the room if you’re if you’re really good at rendering you will if you’re compassionating something so well I think you could paint it in the room but

you don’t actually have to because your intuition is seeing it the reason why your retinas are running

all the time even when you’re sleeping is because it’s required for your intuition your intuition is allowed to

go into Plato’s Cave into your retinal wall and watch the world not the world outside your eyes are closed [ __ ] your

eyes are closed the whole time you’re watching the rods and cones fire and paint a certain picture based on

what the occipital lobe totally told it to paint and your eyes are closed your eyes are

burning more calories than any other thing in your head and most of man’s man structure is built on we have to save

calories we have to save calories we have to save calories but for some reason when you close your eyes when you go to sleep your your eyes they’re

burning filaments full time ask yourself why

and don’t tell me it’s because what’s how we perceive reality no it’s not it is how you render

the reality at which you are comfortable seeing why am I preaching to you sorry

but it’s true and if you want to understand these hauntings I need you to let go of this illusion that every

single thing that’s real is only what comes in through your eyes and only what you see because that’s not how it works

the melanin and the dopamine the gas pedal and the break of the amygdala are controlling the throttle of what you

were allowed to render based on what is comfortable to you which is why Jesus saw 112 different instances of demons

and everyone around them said no we don’t see nothing we don’t see nothing but the truth is always in the room

which means the people that insist there’s no such thing as demons and that no one is ever haunted will also tell you in the same breath that there is a

holy spirit why because the truth is always in the room

always will you just put a costume on it right we’re going to call this Bigfoot we’re

going to call this Mandalorian effect we’re going to call this whatever the truth is always right there staring

at you an ectoplasm is a real thing

there are many types of demons you could call them aliens you could call them demons they’re it’s all the same

and each of them are more complex and when you start to unwrap the words it allows you to paint the pictures of

all the different types there’s not just five there’s probably a gazillion types of these uh just

uh jizz is funny but but also the genelian of these

and let’s start with a real simple one just simple vectors that a simple vector

is a demon watch this this

I am flicking a demon at you I’m flicking at you

and there used to be charms where you would use to defend yourself from this kind of demon for me showing you I see

you I see you that used to be seen as a threat why was it a threat because your Consciousness was so weak

that you could not handle being stared at by another human do you realize rabbits feel the same way all the time

that we take home rabbits and we’re like it’s a good little bunny and we’re standing over it and we’re smiling we’re

showing it our teeth and the rabbit’s like holy [ __ ] this is scary as [ __ ] this is terrifying

but you don’t know that why because you don’t compassionate the rabbit enough same thing with a bird

the bird hits the window your first thing you do is come up with your teeth and smile oh look at you and then you’re like you should eat something and you’re

like trying to cram [ __ ] in its mouth because you think oh me feel better if me sticks succeed in

mouth well while bird unconscious because clearly food make him go these are like grown ass [ __ ] adults with

degrees walking around doing this [ __ ] zero ability to take plasma out of

themselves and place it inside another animal and feel around the instruments and start to say hey wow

we should cover this bird’s eyes it’s probably freaking the [ __ ] out everything that’s seeing or we should we should keep it in a dark

place or we should we should be quiet around it maybe right all these things come when your

Consciousness has enough plasma to where you can ectoplasm your way out of yourself this is blobular stuff

and it goes over to the other person oh and it Pour us into their face

and the minute you do you’re you’re now reading raw data feed from their entire system

you’re doing that because you’re logged onto their face the mouse interface the haptic device is

plugged in and now you feel everything I do if you’re looking at my face

and it’s not as intense for me because I don’t see you I don’t hear you laugh if I say

something funny I don’t hear you gasp if I say something not I don’t hear you interrupting me

because you’re too busy working a blender so I don’t have to get pissed off because you’re like but I’m making a

smoothie James it’s yeah yeah if if I sense that it would change the entire

relationship right now wouldn’t it why because this connection this empathic connection is a kind of

Haunting and you can start with with complex or you can start with simple

the most simplest form is that Vector I told you about I see you I see you even looking at someone is a haunting

you’re literally secreting plasma plasma you’ll never get back plasma that was generated Through Time right and you’re

releasing that Plasma in a vector in an arrow that goes and you shoot it somewhere

that’s a that’s a demon that’s it and it’s okay it’s okay

it’s okay it’s okay that’s how powerful you are and that witness when it hits someone

else’s field they can keep some of it they can keep that plasma

a piano player on the stage when when they know that everyone’s paying attention all that plasma comes into

their field and it makes them play better and they’re like oh my God look how good I am

because of the crowd the plasma itself is haunting their field and that person

that Crucible is able to perform from a different posture for longer because of

that plasma that’s invading the audience is associating with The Pianist

through the simple Vector of will given in time and it’s fair it’s clean it’s

open everyone understands the arrangement I bought a ticket my plasma is worth this much is really

what the audience is saying the audience is telling The Pianist my plasma is worth 88 on this day and I’m going to

bequeath it to whatever on the stage I deem worthy or I won’t even look at the stage that’s really what a concert

ticket is that’s why people like to buy concert tickets because they themselves start to

feel wow my plasma is actually legit worth something that that a person is

preparing a very special show purely for my plasma I know this sounds like a

commercial for five five Rhode Island and I don’t mean it to be that way but it’s true it’s exactly what’s happening

in 5i Rhode Island I started act I started writing a a

scripted play for you guys two days ago

why because people said my witness is is worth this much and I’m buying a ticket for 88 and I want to be there on five

five that energy is already exchanged they’ve already haunting me with that vectored will of wow I’m I’m

going to be giving you my Plasma on that day you better bring it this is what it does to my posture

it haunts me it’s my muse do you see how those are the same

it haunts me because it’s my muse now buying a ticket is my muse

but it’s not just simple vectors it’s algorithms too yeah 88 right wink

wink uh it’s algorithms too what is an algorithm but a vector that

that just has a condition on it a condition right

meaning I’m giving you the evil eye and if you’re doing something wrong this

this demon will hurt and if you’re doing something right this demon will not hurt at all

so when a parent looks at her child sternly the accusation is literally downloaded

into the bandwidth of that of that glance and that bandwidth comes charged with if

you made that noise then you are in trouble and the child now

gets to face the demon he faces the demon and says

yes I did I did break that I did just drop this glass and it broke and it made that noise yes I am guilty and he faces

the scourge of the demon but if he didn’t do it then he faces the scourge

of being wrongly accused why because the exact same energy the

exact same plasma is going to have to be alchemized somehow through his circuit

as he gets better he will learn that when labels are thrown at him that do not apply he is

not he is he is not hurt by these things this is very difficult way of alchemizing it isn’t it if it’s from

your boss if it’s from someone who has influence you know that it will hurt regardless of

what was true because the energy that you know from this person is destructive

at the same time you can start to realize and caramelize all the words that someone is calling you

that they slowly start to make you stronger and you start to find them even

funny you start to find it amusing because of all the pride that you can

now see in yourself because the demon doesn’t work

you become immune to that they were anima shuns

animations when I show you a series of pictures in

a certain order I am haunting

your visual cortex I’m haunting it with a series of sigils

and those sigils are going to be stored in your mind and the residuals are going to be stored in your mind based on how you were

feeling as you watch them which is why the anime shun has a sense of fashion built into it

it’s telling you this is gross or this is great this is funny or this is sad this is terrifying or this is not and

most of that’s determined by you right you know this experiment where they show they show a plate of food and then a

guy’s face and then they show a dead person in a guy’s face

and that they ask the audience what the man is thinking and both of those are purely based not on the man himself it’s

the exact same video of the man but on the on the uh the frame that occurred

right before it the staging the anime shuns the staging

of the haunting is a Cell by cell experience

right it runs in a loop a single animation a simple stair maybe would be

a one frame GIF but there are animations more complex hauntings and you could imagine that every frame

in The Haunting is going to require a certain amount of plasma and you can imagine that every algorithm that’s linked to that right show frame a if

guilty show frame B if not guilty think about the plasma that the woman has to encapsulate the mother has to

encapsulate into her energy before she looks at her child she has to set that condition in the plasma

and broadcasted the child and the child knows no words are spoken no words are

spoken at all the child automatically knows it’s a she heard a crash I dropped the glass

I know exactly what this algorithm means are we are we literally trying to

suggest to ourselves that the seven-year-old is able to pull the photons out of the air

of course not there’s something else going on and it’s not language it’s something much deeper in something

much more profound and it is the haunting why because that child those cells were actually haunted by the

mother the mitochondria technically would be the mother if you think about it I

realize it’s a separate DNA chain for those of you who believe in DNA but that separate DNA chain came from the mother

which means it could be occupied by her the Consciousness your mother’s love goes with you son everywhere you go it’s

that kind of adage there are MO decons you can emote something into an icon

right the magic is everywhere my friends

all the sigils are there what is pornography but a porn circuit

it’s poured it’s poured into you right the giant giant big gulp

I don’t want to live in a society where we decided to burn down all the 7-Elevens because they sell big gold

I want to be able to walk into the 7-Eleven and see how many people are supporting the big gulps that’s what I’d

rather see because they’re showing me the texture and Shadow of that person The Haunting is their fashion believe it

or not and Hitler would agree that that which haunts you is that which

you choose to be haunted by that is your fashion and it’s going to be about how Frugal you are with your electricity

it would all come from that how Frugal are you with your electricity when someone gives you electricity are you quick to dismiss it or do you

do you value it and do you find a way to store it and the same thing about shedding

most of our electricity comes from ourselves does not come from others we’re just

told differently or we’re told our electricity doesn’t matter we have to get it from someone else this line is a basic Vector demon

it’s slung from the will with Brute Force zero plasma is wasted in camouflaging

this vectored will are in any conditions added to it this is simply a stare

or flipping the bird right this is flipping someone a bird

but you can also have curves you can you can send a demon with with a curve or

English applied to it the way you grip that demon it’s not an algorithm yet but

it’s able to come in and fool you it looks like it’s a compliment but it’s a slight right

you thought they were complimenting you but nope turns out the whole time Mom just wanted to dig at you one more time

about this right it sounded good that’s the vect it’s a demon that has

curve or English it’s slung from the will with Brute Force just like the regular Vector demon

and the same zero plasma is wasted and camouflaging it it’s just simply in the

curving of it there’s no conditions placed on it it’s simply a throne ball

with a lot of force and a curve applied to it

there are logical demons right if guilty

right the the expression can be if guilty give electricity or if guilty

dump electricity right if if condition is true then then insert

praise or if condition is true insert rejection and everything you’ve ever done with

your boss with your school with anything that involves your slavery of learning to develop Consciousness has these

conditions it’s a conditional haunting you are bound

to a cubicle and the spell that binds you to the cubicle lasts for eight hours and you

cannot penetrate The Binding of that cubicle spell for eight hours so you’re stuck inside

and to and because you’re stuck inside you you must pass the time and you will

be treated better by the magician if what you do inside that trap cell is

performed correctly how the [ __ ] is that not a haunting how the [ __ ] is having a job not a

haunting how the [ __ ] is is having a scapegoat not a haunting

how the [ __ ] is not is having an addiction not a haunting

all of these are the same plasma energy and the reason why Jesus said this 112

times is because he knew how to heal the

haunted he knew how to exercise them and you do

too you know this too you do it all the time you will remove the demon conditions oh

honey it’s okay you broke the glass what are you doing you were tearing apart the demon in front of the child’s

eyes no no it’s okay look and you just you just the Scorpion you you broke its tail in front of the child’s eyes you

showed it I don’t know this algorithm is nothing see look it’s easily removed it would be like

your boss saying no no no no you don’t have to stay in this cubicle are you kidding no no no no no no no

you don’t have to be there no come on out come on out and of course you as a young magician

are going to learn to either trust or not trust and you you have no choice you’re either going to find yourself you’re going to wither and die

and the worst thing that could possibly happen is to have someone come in and [ __ ] Champion you oh my God and white

knight you think about how how disgusting that is

to White night somebody to come in and say please let me save you what you’re really doing is say

please let me let me enslave you in the haunting of myself as your savior it’s disgusting

and there’s no way that you’re going to grow an ubermensch out of that you’re going to destroy Society by trying to be

nice to it you’re going to destroy it by licking its wounds all day long

you know even these conditional demons there still aren’t camouflage yet

and they’re not really thrown as much as they’re set up like booby traps they usually don’t come in as like a super

uh super push it’s more of like something that’s laid out it’s like a note or a text message

right this is oh oh I see so you’re not going to be able to come by what is that

listen to that again and that as you read that text oh so you’re not going to be able to come by oh

and what is that that’s the plasma pulling pulling you down

extracting that energy from its algorithm it’s all there and when you understand

the energy you start to super super Valu Kate yeah Super Value Kate I’m not

wearing pants I’m gonna make up words today okay but you start to Super Value Kate

just how finite energy is it takes you being inbound in a spell called a

cubicle for 20 years what what many people would call retirement

that’s how long it takes for them to finally see oh [ __ ]

and by the time by that time it’s too late it’s too late I’ve never once believed I

would ever be able to retire I don’t think I think that’s a [ __ ] illusion I do

I think it’s been an illusion for a while but the people that fell for the illusion are gutting us like fish so

they can keep their illusion and I’m not going to do that to my next generation

I don’t have a retirement that’s an extraction that’s an extraction allowing me to

prove how stupid I was to keep giving them money or to keep giving the government money under the auspice that

this is my Social Security it’s not security that’s me that would be me being bound

to the exact same spell exact same spell

you know I don’t mean to show up show off but I’m not wearing a [ __ ] Hood I haven’t worn a hood over my face to

say any of this not [ __ ] once not once and I really want a world where we

parade Kanye around and say oh look what a [ __ ] hero this guy is

oh my God he lost a hundred million of his 900 million dollars that dude is suffering so much it’s the stupidest

[ __ ] I’ve ever heard but I want a world where we have these kinds of people so I can see them

I need to know who they are I need to remember to remove my expectations from them because they will

haunt me because I will haunt myself because I will be committing emotional pedophilia

with people who think that way so this helps all of these things help

and when you really break down the plasma the ectoplasm of this you’re looking at your field itself your field

around your body is a capacitor

it’s one surface completely separate from another surface and each of them are isolated

electrically that’s at the heart of what your body is and all the crevices all the veins all

the arteries allowing the stretching of electricity

the stretching of opposites that what you think are red blood cells are actually

electron caddies that are either holding or not holding a charge because the the separation of those charges the

separation of that is what creates the voltage that makes you alive

that that voltage is activated by those separation of things and that

the dichotomy and the bipolarness that we are trying to stop by hunting down the pornographers and murdering them so

we can all feel better about ourselves is is the war on our own blood cells because we’re insisting that we must

have equality we’re insisting that we must have a world where everything is the same and that’s how you kill an

entire entire body an entire engine an entire boat an entire battery an entire circuit as you insist all parts of the

circuit must be the same that we can’t have a bunch more power

over here in this capacitor waiting to be dumped out we can’t have a collector over here and we can’t have a one-way logic gate over here what are you

kidding and that’s how all demonology works all law contract

is a circuit and that circuit is leading to the capacitor

it’s a circuit it’s a conditional demon written down in ink

and you gave it that power because you’ve always been satisfying your own electricity with ink too

what is the Holy Spirit what is the Holy Spirit

is it a demon are you ready to say that are you ready to say that the demon is ectoplasm or do we want to say no a demon no the

holy spirit is not ectoplasm because if you’re going to say it’s not ectoplasm then you’re trying to argue that it it

it it has nothing nothing in this world that there is no it there is no Holy

Spirit in this world and if you want to say it’s something but it’s not ectoplasm then say what it

is because the word ectoplasm actually is something it’s something that’s external to the

body that’s been associated with energy with consciousness so is the holy spirit ectoplasm

because the answer is yes and when you were a Christian when you were young if you asked Jesus in your heart you literally opened your vessel and

accepted ectoplasm from the Holy Spirit it’s literally what happened

I felt it I remember feeling it my mom freaked out when I told her she didn’t know what to say because to her the

whole thing was just a a bum ritual I mean not to say she didn’t have her own beliefs but she did not she thought I

was just making that up and I felt that ectoplasm I felt that I

felt I asked Jesus in my heart and I felt the ectoplasm from that but where the holy spirit is not that or

it is that because when you look at what the ectoplasm really is the ectoplasm is I need a conglomeration

of Holy Spirit around me that I can lean on that’s all it is and so everyone that’s out there

worshiping to the holy spirit is putting their Prana their good Prana into a collection jar a collection plate called

the Elohim that is extracted by you when you need it it’s a real live technology

and this technology is not exclusive to God it’s not

and the longer we pretend and insist that it is the more we will insist we have to burn down Hollywood because

Hollywood is the living sacred sacred vessel as any other vessel around

including your heart including your family including your house including your car that every single one of these

things are vessels for ectoplasm and they collect this ectoplasm when we worship them when we give them

anything any kind of attention you’re bequeathing to something you were

worshiping it even if you hate it because you were pouring all of your precious time into that subject you were

saying my time is worth this subject that’s what you’re doing

and only when that Vector will is so strong that it comes across as hate is the subject themselves not able to

alchemize and accept that this is worship because they will feel it as hate and they will say oh then they’re not worshiping to me they hate me why

because the energy is so intense that they cannot take it into their field because they’re not ready

and this is the entire point of why you are here you are here to be haunted by

people that do not like you by people that question your ideals that people that accuse you of every single label in

the world because the more that happens the more you find out who you are because your Consciousness literally

emerges in the [ __ ] of it all this is the meaning of vitriol

your Consciousness is placed inside this mountain and put under immense pressure

and inside that mountain in the blackest of days in the crushiest of situations

and the worst pressure from outside yourself you emerge as something clean

you have been solved you have alchemized

and every single label that you’ve ever seen in your life has been bringing you

on a hermetic Journey Down The Yellow Brick Road I’m not wearing pants

I’m not saying that you’re persecuting me from that but I’m saying the fact that I’m not wearing pants

is a kind of exposure and that exposure is challenging me to

find myself without pants on to find that kind of Consciousness and

when we embrace the dojo Earth of this world we start to learn to appreciate

all of these hauntings around us instead of insist that they’re not true instead of insisting that we have no

right to say such such things but the conscious Circuit of Life Force

conjoins itself into a legion when you evacuate your plasma and you

say this is for God is everyone’s God

which means you are giving that plasma as a beautiful donation by the way I want you to continue to do this I do it

too I I love giving my plasma to God I know you do too so I’m not saying this is wrong I just

want you to see where the energy goes all of that energy being disassociated from you is real living life force it’s

more advanced than an algorithm it’s more advanced than a vectored will it’s it’s love it has an effervescent

Dimension to it of consciousness what is what is

love but a photon of Consciousness please think about that

love is simply a photon a conglomeration of consciousness

I have love for means I imbue this with consciousness

and this is the love I carry for this thing you can hate something in the same

bubble you can caress and protect the same thing with hate as you can with love it

is apathy that pops that bubble it is apathy that destroys that thing it is

love and hate that gives it life you can hate something but it will simply have no choice but to learn how to accept

your hate as energy and alchemize it so the more you hate something the more

you’re insisting it is worthy of being strong oh

and so you’re making things stronger by hating them you were giving them a

respect you were training them in your personal dojo

and you’re sending them every inch of plasma that you have and saying this is yours

because you were worthy of being this strong

terrifying when you understand how it works but it’s also liberating once you accept

it can you see the creases in this flag I’m

not asking you to read the caption sorry I meant to chop that off but can you see the creases in this Nazi flag

can you see how how it was folded and folded and folded and folded and folded

can you see how this is not how you would fold a flag with honor this is a Nazi flag if podcasters are

listening can you see this how how this is not

real or do you when you see this do you think that this guy is a legit Nazi


this that’s a Sigil charged with something but because my compassion and my plasma is so good I have no choice

but to see that it’s fake he doesn’t have reverence for that and only I would only it’s only someone

who who has enough compassion to stretch out in that flag and put it in him and realize okay that’s totally fake which would see that

it’s only then you could argue maybe his pants are a little bit too too pressed Maybe

but it would matter because the authenticity is not there between the nodes

it’s like not there and so now you realize that this is a

very powerful demon it’s such a powerful demon that it has this entire entire other superficial

anti-chamber to it right

that when I mean by antidchamber is is that there’s a whole other kind of uh uh

Association or energy with it it’s there’s a superficial outside the gates

Gates kind of energy that’s happening with it

this is a Sigil too this the speech ball when you see this beach ball you automatically think brightly you think

about being a child you think about enjoying it yeah I think he the point is the flag is

new he opened it that day and why did he open it that day because he knew it would haunt you knew it would haunt the

camera well he was a plant yeah exactly he knew that it would haunt the camera he knew that the camera would

automatically seek it and find it why because he’s setting the food in front of it and saying do you want this do you want this and he knows people will buy

it he knows they will because he’s playing with the ectoplasm of that energy

these guys are doing it too it’s really effective

and like Kanye they gotta do it behind a mask why do they have to do it behind a mask

because they’re not ready to hold that kind of energy they can’t handle it

so they’re using fashion itself to try and to try and survive

it’s it’s a crutch and they’re working on it they’re learning to alchemize

this is this is one of my favorites because up in Canada they insist this means slavery

and and it’s it’s ironic to me because it’s that exact same kind of thing where where people who are trying to

to uh drink the essence of how of how good they are have decided that the

pornographers were the ones that do everything bad

and I I’m not going to stop the stream and tell you the entire history of why this is completely not even close to a

symbol of racism that I can read you the Nathan Bedford Forest speech that he gave to the very first

meeting of the NAACP which shows you that Canadians are literally being bigots about that when they’re claiming

stuff like that that’s not at all what it means but it shows you that the haunting this sigil is haunted is what I’m trying

to get you to see it’s haunted right

these are haunted these sigils all these sigils this is haunted too haunted haunted haunted haunted

haunted and we should want them to be haunted because they create this kind of uh

Gateway to step into a place where no one else will be unless they really have enough

electricity this is an initiation my friends

this flag is an initiation and it’s a reason why so many uh why you

would even see something called a white Aryan gang if that’s even a thing because what

they’re doing is the exact same thing that this guy’s doing

is that wow man if we if we did this we could have a lot of of cool ectoplasm and all we have to do is just not really

associate with this but just pull it out every now and then right

and it brings me to to this I don’t even know how to say this especially because one of you jackasses just started

advertising his show in the middle of the chat which is like yeah exactly you [ __ ] wad

please say it more but this is all part of the haunting I want you to see how this [ __ ] works I

want you to see how this works this is going to sound like whining and I don’t give a [ __ ] I still want you to see how

this works because you were watching James True go through a hermetic Journey and every step I take I get more and

more [ __ ] I get more and more [ __ ] because I’m stepping through and it’s making me stainless I have no [ __ ]

choice I have no [ __ ] choice this is just a simple simple example this happens all the time but even three

days ago there’s a podcast several gentlemen on that podcast it’s called

something spiders and uh it’s made up of guys that I’ve I’ve helped as much as I

can I’ve come on their their shows whenever they want they they’ve interacted with me I’ve tried to

interact with them as much as they want I’ve they’ve been in Dojo they see my work they’ve they’ve read my books and

that these men assembled last week to have a podcast about what a what a problem I am for the world

and it would be whining of me to say this a year ago and some of

you may still see it that way because you’re not going to see my point and that’s fine I don’t care but I want you to know that that

happened on Tuesday and two years ago I would have been like well God what did I do those are my

friends and but I helped that guy with his problem he was really upset about this and this other guy he was like

having this big issue with his other friend and I try and Patch it and you can have this whole conversation in your mind because the haunting the algorithm

is extracting ectoplasm for me and the whole time like well why wouldn’t they just call me every one of

those guys has my phone number every one of them and so if they really wanted to show where they really wanted the problem

then why wouldn’t they reach out to the problem if they’re dealing with a show where we need to fix the problems of the world why would you not interject with

your problems why not that’s what I would haunt myself with two years ago

I would haunt myself with it because I wasn’t adequate to deal with that kind of electricity I could not deal with a

podcast being specified around how I’m the source of problems in the world but but I actually like that now

and this this I want you to see what it takes that’s all I want you to see what it takes because

you will be able to Window Shop I’m telling you that you’re going to be able to Window Shop your sovereignty by

watching what I’m about to show you right now something that I’m going through that if you would like to have your

sovereignty my friends you’re going to have to have on Tuesday a podcast made by your former friends

explaining how you’re the problems of the world and that that’s not the first that’s not the only thing

that just yesterday two more of your friends will do an entire live stream where they’re claiming that you bullied

an innocent girl in a wheelchair to extort money from her and that that will be on on Thursday so

on Tuesday you have the the spiders and on Thursday you have uh two of your

other form friends both of them have your number both of them have the ability to contact you and while you’re

watching this stream you’re looking in the comments below and a friend that you helped a long time ago with his

addictions that you have featured on your channel that you’ve supported his channel as

much as you can is is making his own patreon based on his investigative

reports that James True is a CIA operative and that was just yesterday

just yesterday and two years ago things like this would have really torn me apart

because I would have thought all of us were being authentic or all of us wanted the best or there was just a misunderstanding but it’s not

all of these things occurred because I did something

that CIA guy did a two-hour interview with a lady who calls me a Satanist why did she call me a Satanist because she

paid me to edit her book and in the column of the first chapter

I said Beth this doesn’t feel authentic and from the moment I said Beth this

doesn’t feel authentic she told everybody that I said she faked having a terminal disease

now compassionarily speaking it kind of sounds like maybe the comment that this

doesn’t sound authentic was probably right the [ __ ] on and maybe she thought I was trying to

subvert it by not saying it directly but she felt it directly it doesn’t matter because my authenticity the goal that I

believed she wanted to see just simply how I felt as an editor being paid to to

edit a book where I say this section doesn’t feel authentic I’m more Minted

as as I’m reading these chapters I don’t feel engaged this should be like a horrible experience that you’ve gone

through but I don’t feel that and that by me showing her the courtesy of that gold

I am haunted forever as a Satanist and we’re broadcasting now with another

guy that thinks I’m a CIA agent and both of them are now inside an audience where

two other guys are going on about how I’m beating and mugging a girl in a wheelchair

and the entire time while this is happening people are advertising the [ __ ] in my show they’re like hey let’s

go see him right now and it’s like yeah I understand man I understand because this is the

Hermetic steps that requires it right now anomaly is saying that Dave Chappelle stole jokes from Owen

Benjamin’s work and Owen Benjamin literally has been repeating every word I’ve said on this podcast on this show

for like over a year every single concept even is is just

mimicked and babbled from that and my vitriol my haunting

is to ensure and insist that I find my authenticity in The Strife of all these

things and I’m getting so much better at it and when I walk into the hobo far people

that are supposed to be my friends are like here look at oh and this and look at Ben this and look at weaving spiders

this and they are my friend because they are making me stainless too I want you to Window Shop what it feels

like to become sovereign because if you do it right you will be surrounded by

orbits of Haunting and those orbits of Haunting are the

only way you are going to be able to become the Uber Mensch you are going to

have to not only learn to be and accept these hauntings around you but you are

going to have to learn how to pull ectoplasm from that hate and turn it

into good energy and that you’ve been doing this the whole time your entire life you’ve been

training for this but we are surrounded by a society that insists that we should make it easier we are surrounded by a society that

insists you should not be met with these things and this is exactly why you’re here that

you came here to be bullied that you came here to be labeled that you came here to literally sit in the acid of

every critic you can find whether it be your wife whether it be your parents whether it be your children whether it

be your colleagues whether it be a Hollywood [ __ ] cook who’s demanding

that this guy be taken off the air that all of those things are shining you

they are becoming who you are because the only person that could ever dare to

stand inside of that kind of pressure chamber is you

you’re the only one and when you start to see this energy

for what it is you realize it’s a faraday cage it’s a faraday cage

and you start to become one of these casters

you enter into a whole different level and when I go to events jackasses will

say can I touch you because I don’t know if you’re real and they’re attacking you too they are

eating you too because they are insisting insisting that you’re an idol

people will drive for 4 000 miles to food poison you because you will not

interact with them and mush their genitals and every one of those things is saying

can you handle 17 amps James can you handle 48 amps and either you can or you can’t

either you can or you can’t it’s it’s a beautiful game and you will

only find your way there by going in alone I swear to you

you’re not going to be able to pull this off with a team it’s only going to happen with you

the conscious self emerges from a mountain of darkness and squeezing pressure

or it remains in the comfort of society’s whims it’s your choice

every one of these incidents incense incidences sorry is a result of my emergence as a conscious self

Rose is mad at me because I said no if I can’t get someone to commit to

doing this event then I’m not going to be able to sell tickets for them or not

that that was myself saying no having Crow’s favor is not important

enough to deteriorate myself and I’ve been telling you myself since

August I think the whole time roses didn’t believe me and why did she not believe me because

she had not seen me emerge she sees that now and the first thing that happens when I’m emerged is she

goes to Benjamin and Benjamin and says y’all this guy’s mean to me and what do they do they play the same thing here’s

an opportunity yeah this guy beats beats chicks in wheelchairs for money and so that comes

out and the entire time it’s a challenge they’re walking up to my tent saying can

you handle this can you handle this that in the middle of of Owen having

these uh conversations with Kanye he’s got to stop and come back to me

and say yeah but we got to dump some [ __ ] [ __ ] Plasma on this guy right now right in the middle of that

and all this is happening when I find myself all of a sudden having to be on the poster having to put myself out

front the moment I say I will put myself out front is the moment all of these former friends hit me in the same week

do you notice that I’m not complaining I want you to Window Shop I want you to

understand that I violated their prawn economies each and every one of them because I was pretending the entire time

and they’re angry at that they’re angry at me breaking their their trance

that we all expect a certain energy from each other and if we change that’s considered threatening and that the

person who finally does say I’m going I’m [ __ ] going for it people don’t cheer that person

that’s not what happens if they did all of us would do it if they did all of us would be wearing

Hitler mustaches today and changing our profile all of us

if all of us today were to organically put on a Hitler mustache and wear wear

an SS the entire psyop would be gone

it would be gone The Haunting would be fixed because we exercised it with comedy

it’s just that easy and it would send such a powerful message that all of us would organically

do that at the same time that it would be such a psychic haunting

that they would never try it again it would never work again

so all of this is showing you how powerful we you are and your reaction to how well you deal with that is exactly

also indicative of how powerful you are it’s all the same

energy in energy out what energy you’re going to keep what energy you’re going to say is too much

right I have no choice but to go on and I [ __ ] love it I set up my own structure

people have already rented houses so it was easy for me to say well no I can’t do that

people have already spent money if you can’t commit then [ __ ] don’t that’s that’s really all that happened

is I told crow that if you can’t commit it doesn’t actually help for for us to put you on the poster we’re not going to

even put you on the poster it wasn’t even a slight Crows still could come he’s a few miles

away but he can’t now because I violated the protocol

I violated the protocol I violated the protocol with the flattoverfest people

I violated the protocol with the same group that’s insisting right now that

they’re here to save you and they’re here to save you by telling you it’s the Jews they’re here to save you by telling

you that this time it’s different because Kanye is going to do this they’re here to save you by telling you that we have to expose Hollywood

that it’s just the Deep state that it’s an election that it’s whatever else it is

and it’s none of those things it is supposed to be [ __ ] hard and the people that are telling you it’s not or

it shouldn’t or if we do this or they are [ __ ] lying to you they think you’re weak

they are being they are being that ignorant side of Hitler Hitler changed you know that within three years that

dude knew okay that’s not gonna [ __ ] work this authenticity

is burning the [ __ ] out of my eyes and every single person in the world

wants to kill me now that’s what happened to Hitler

that’s the cross and Jesus didn’t get on the cross so you didn’t have to you stupid wimp get your

ass up Jesus got on the cross so you would too

don’t be such a [ __ ] all of this energy is the most high quality High amp ectoplasm you’ve ever

seen and if you want to shut it off or [ __ ] it away you’re not worthy of any of it

none of it right what else we got here

come farter all of these people are fruits from my tree

I swear to you that the offshoot of snake Jones the dude that says I’m a CIA agent he’s been on my four or five

podcast oh I dedicated my book to someone and that person has has them on it’s like on

in that same show has Aaron on it’s like yeah James is a CIA person it’s like I I

understand that that’s actually a shoot from my from my garden that that Aaron sees me and says I want

to survive I don’t have enough voice of my own but if I tell people your CI age and I can live which means it’s trying

to live in my growth it’s under my canopy why the [ __ ] would I reject that

am I the kind of tree that is so afraid that this is some sort of kudzu that’s going to choke me down or am I a tree

that bears enough power that says yes you could say it in my canopy if this becomes unsustainable though I’m gonna

have to let you go whale sharks do it is a whale shark

offended because a remora remora fish comes in and sucks under its mouth does the whale shark really eat less

because all that Remora is doing is saying I just want your waste the CIA dude is saying James I just want

your waste can I just have the waste if anyone if anyone tries to like your

attention and they find it too hot I would like to be here to catch them to tell them well the reason why it was too hot is because James is CIA and then

they can go Oh I thought it was me and then Aaron would say no it’s not you it’s him he’s CIA

same with Owen same with rose same with Ben same with Karen

the entire thing happens when you emerge yes it’d be so easy to say no James this

is all because you have personality problems and and it could be I don’t even mind saying that because I think that’s a vital part of this canopy that

I have but when I add up

all the reasons and I start to look at what’s happening if if it turned out to be that all these were personality to

problems I would not have been able to survive this long there’s no way I would have been able to

make it this long there’s no way we would have had a dojo there’s no way I would have had six books there’s no way

I would have been even contemplating producing a show in on five five in Rhode Island get your tickets now for at

eight dollars there’s no way not doing a live show because I’m the

only one that possesses the energy in that sector to do a live show like that

Crow doesn’t want to commit to that because he cannot do that kind of energy

I was trying to hide the whole time by saying let me in your in your flat Earth Festival or let me in your concert

Festival let me in your freedom League Festival why would they let me in why

the whole time they’re like dude why don’t you have your own thing what the [ __ ] man you’re going to come in 45 minutes

you’re really going to be able to contain it all in that James no one else is going to want to keep asking you or talking to you about it yeah I get this

sounds arrogant it sounds oh my God but I’m just telling you that that’s the kind of amperage that flows I wouldn’t

be trying this hard if it didn’t flow I wouldn’t have the ability to sustain myself this long If there really if

there wasn’t legit real life current just [ __ ] flowing through me which means all of this is my

lucification I’m being looser luciferized and you are too and I know you may not

want to say that I know you may not want to say that but you were too

devil advocate they said you wanted to do a Lucifer and ritual and Crow said no I have no horse in this race but if I’m

going to listen I don’t need plasma that’s not true from either party okay well uh Crow listed five reasons James

and not one of those was a luciferian ritual so but own that dude see if you can hold

that see if you can hold that plasma and just see where it goes

um Airship link what does that mean no we’ll figure it out uh but but you’ve

been luciferized and when you want to merge as the self

you’re going to rise up out of fascist the first thing you’re going to need is

fascism it’s the first thing you’re going to look for the leader

that’s strong who will literally destroy anyone around who opposes him that’s the very first emergence of Consciousness is

the acceptance of fascism

the second one is the communist that’s the second level oh I see there’s

no Airship link yet okay

yeah James you definitely have a horse in the race just so you know it’s kind of it’s kind of inauthentic to

hear you claim that like oh there’s a loose very if you can’t explain what that means then dude

you need to just look at that that’s all and I don’t like the people in the chat in the in the hobo bar they’re like oh

[ __ ] so so I gotta be careful talking about Crow why do you have to be careful talking about Crow why

I had a meeting with Crow I I we we went over all this

and have you seen a retraction as Crow said what James just said on his stream last night wasn’t true

so somehow the five reasons that I listed James turns into a luciferian festival and I released that episode and

there’s no rebuttal in fact if anything uh there’s an apology and all the the slander was removed from

the sites so you you start to understand that James has an appetite for that it’s no

different than CIA it’s the exact same kind of energy because of the abundance I’m not keeping enough of this energy

which means it’s going to be natural for there to be some sort of uh uh sucker fish

drinking from the same thing and that’s okay that’s okay

guys I’m gonna dislike you more if you come in the hobo bar and start talking [ __ ] about Crow because you think that

somehow gives you street cred I think you’re gonna suck for doing that I don’t think you’re gonna be cool at all

I find that more disgusting because Crow actually didn’t do anything disgusting all right someone who works for Crow

reacted in a very uh caustic destructive vandalistic way

because her feelings were hurt and her feelings were hurt by Crow not by me

but she can’t say that watch the stream this is stupid this is stupid I’ve been more more than

generous with that and and his show it shows great he’s had

me on five times why would I not say that’s great it’s a good show

anyway you come up through this through the liberal the conservative find The Sovereign in the self and every

time you come up to that it gets a little bit smaller field you run into a little bit smaller field

and a little bit smaller field and a little bit smaller field each time so you run out of options basically

you have no choice but to congru congregate at the self

that’s that’s the only place it goes I want you to know it’s okay to feel

persecution because it means you’re you’re growing in Rome it hurt to be called a Christian

on YouTube it hurts to be called a luciferian that’s why James uses that word that’s

why he’s vague and says well to lose fear and ritual no one ever ever said that that was James who said that

why because he knows how much electricity that is

yeah it’s Stephanie thank you the alphabetic show was a great show but I want you to know that

this is why I don’t want people talking [ __ ] about other shows guys these are hermetic steps

I think you should bring what what bothers you with as much Fury and as much authenticity as what you like

and and the things that I get that right now you think the things that you don’t like must be rejected and forgotten but

I’m telling you that those are a mirror that they show you who you are and when you start to look at the labels that

scare you like luciferian when you literally put that hair shirt on

and wear it around for a few days it cleanses you like nothing has ever cleansed you before these labels are

baptisms and most of you were afraid and I don’t want you to do something you’re afraid of

I’d rather you sit out and wait I don’t mind that you’re going to call me names because I did that I don’t mind that

you’re like oh you put on a loose fair in here shirt and he says he’s stronger now therefore he’s a luciferian exactly

what other choice do you [ __ ] have but to say that none none until you gain more electricity

this isn’t going to be in your appetite and it shouldn’t be that’s why your morality is going to be yours it’s going

to be your morality it’s going to stay that way and it’s going to grow with you or Shrink with you

all right I got to get this link out um I’m going to uh

anybody want to be on airship I’m going to post this link as fast as I can

I don’t know how they didn’t make it but I’ll do that right now actually I’m gonna put my pants on and then I’m going to do it

and we can talk about anything else you want that’s fine I imagine tonight too thank you all for being here

enjoy your uh Lucifer fur Lucifer occasion make sure I

got the sorry let me just say this

the oldest medicine we know is a a freaking venomous snake wrapped around a wooden Pole

and we think that the medicine is in the snake but it’s not the medicine is in our posture to the

snake how we how we approach that Venom is going to be the medicine

and if you’ve got someone that has a huge audience that just wants to smash up against you it’s it’s because he’s

telling you you’re going to be strong is telling you that

and the only way that you disagree with him is by not being stronger

it’s a very special kind of training it’s a very special kind of Sensei it is

all right we will uh see you next time hey come two five five come to five five for all these reasons

in Providence Rhode Island come to five five you’ll uh you won’t be sorry it’s gonna be a good

show let me see is there a reaction from James we’ll make sure he gets his word

in because I don’t want to take it I am my own horse and just run with the hurt sometimes and I could care less if

you’re a luciferian I think actually so I appreciate that James and I also think that you actually do kind of care that’s

why you actually use that word because no one else used that word so you did

so this is part of like learning to own our own haunting James is like no I I

didn’t do that at all and that’s fine but that’s also part of being haunted is you pick up these ideas and you say that

I’ve not once have I said I’m doing a Lucifer not even [ __ ] once it’s this

idea that gets conveyed which is the haunting of it which comes out and you insist it’s not yours but you’re literally the one walking the hobo bar

letting it Loose right same thing as saying hey I don’t know if it’s okay to talk about Crow what you’re

really saying to everyone is it’s not okay to talk about Crow when everyone’s talking about it’s no problem Rose is

actually in that group she’s actually part of the group there’s nothing’s been censored I I believe in witness I’ve

worked so hard to create this atmosphere where witness is bred like this

but we’re anti-hunting it see it’s so complex it’s so complex it’s beautiful but we don’t even see our own energy and

when we do we become conscious of it we’re instantly realizing holy [ __ ] I’ve got toilet paper stuck to the bottom of

my shoe and I’m walking around the whole time pretending no I didn’t say that but actually those are exactly what you’re

walking around in it doesn’t matter if you’re consciously aware of it or not if you’re if you’ve reached this level

it doesn’t actually matter if you’re consciously aware of your energy you’re responsible for every Ripple and

that’s very expensive I get why most people wouldn’t want to be there like I don’t want to be responsible for

that I get it I get it that’s why we’re here we’re here learning that stuff so thank

you for bringing it and uh there’s no such thing as just a witness James now I’m busting on you for this but seriously man there’s no thing

as just a witness you’re a witness uh off the only one who said oh just quoting Ben yeah well actually you’re

not just quoting Ben you’re haunted by Ben Ben has said a lot of things does that ever factor in

well we’ll see uh

uh yeah that first you’re right Green Mountain girl that was something that yeah that was another thing that’s when

I started to wear the hair shirt anyway we’ll talk to you guys later [Music]




foreign [Music]

thank you

I don’t know where to go turn the lights are breathing


still not cool


but my heart is [Music]

explain [Music] me


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