5 thoughts on “Freeman TV

  1. When Bernie Sanders showed up with the black eye, I remember my spider senses going off. I saved the picture to my laptop. Later when I went to dig it up, the picture was gone. The file was still there but the image was not. Crazy how that can happen, pictures or articles saved on your personal computer can be altered and disappeared. No way he “fell in the shower” how do you fall in the shower and and land on your eye?

  2. I didn’t know you two were buds, love it. I like you EVEN MORE now. FF was one of my 1st experiences with truth, the truth that raises your arm hairs and makes your heart pound.
    “You can’t just be a fat ass gazelle, rolling your ass up to the watering hole.” Yup.
    Freeman Fly and James True, OG truthers.

  3. Hello, Mr.True, Einstein’s theories of relativity showed that the ether did not exist?

    Aether is the soul of the world, connect everything and make sacred spiritual phenomena visible.

    Or did I miss this one?

    And one more suggestion, I’ve pointed it out to Max Igan as well, but an interview with the Crowhouse is something I really look forward to, and I think many with me. James True & Max Igan..

  4. Loved the interview! Can you please elaborate on the black eye club? Specifically what kind of eye surgery that does what? Definitely going to check out your books.

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