Safe and Effective

Vaccines are a safe and effective program that shorts out the body’s electrical system and makes the patient dependent on vaccines for life. Vaccines are good at what they were designed to do. They are humane at what they were designed to do. They are effective at what they were designed to do. So what were vaccines designed to do? The answer is eugenics. And a government whose people demand healthcare as a right will get what they asked for. The management of healthcare requires population control, resource protection, and a government portal directly into each family’s immune system. No one pushing vaccines is evil. Vaccines are the government’s response to people wanting to be treated like cattle.

The average healthy boy or girl requires seventy-two doses of vaccines to fulfill the government regimen and that regimen is growing. With the advent of messenger RNA technology (mRNA), we have stepped out of the realm of stimulating a body’s immune response with a foreign adjuvant and jumped into modifying protein production within our cells to then elicit an immune response. This is programming our body the same way Monsanto genetically modifies corn. This mRNA technology is a corporate plug-in you install into your body’s operating system. There’s a reason so many healthcare workers are refusing the Covid-19 vaccine. You’re not a hero for getting one. You simply don’t care what the government does to your body.

The government doesn’t care what it does to your body either. It can’t. Government isn’t a person. Care comes from the secretion of human empathy. Politics is the compression and explosion of empathy. Our feelings are burned like gasoline in its piston. Rights have always been trumped by public safety.

“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” – The Constitution. Article 1. Section 9. 

We are ruled by the oncology of public safety. Its stint has been in our skin since the beginning. Humanity is powered by belief. Propaganda is always a war on those who listen. All government has to do is count the votes from both sides and use that number as a measure of our satisfaction. Votes do matter. The fewer votes we give, the more they have to appease us to get them.

Pretending the system is real doesn’t fix it. It only gives it a fresh coat of paint.

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10 thoughts on “Safe and Effective

  1. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

    Owning my body is not a privilege, it is my Creator-given right; therefore, Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended in any case.

    Also, thank you for this short but excellent post. It is SO CLEAR to see who is begging for their enslavement these days.

  2. regarding the side effects based statistically. in my age bracket i have a 0.1% chance of having an adverse effect (but fully known) from catching any virus or cold. the vaccine carriers about a 2.5% chance of an adverse (unknown( effect which may or may not be permanent. that means that if one were to take the vaccine under the age of 60 or 70, then there is a 25x greater chance of having an adverse effect compared to doing nothing.

  3. I know in the UK that it used to be an MHO and a Psychiatrist to Section someone under the Mental Health Act . Then another order was needed to give medication under a Compulsory Order. As an MHO this was sold to me to be used for seriously mentally ill patients who were a danger to themmselves and others. Doesn”t take many steps to get to use on dissidents. Especialy when they have recently redefined mental illness as pretty much questioning the mainstream narrative!

    1. Yes. This ridiculous adherence to what they call “science” as a religion hasn’t hit any roadblocks it’s been full steam ahead with more and more stuff thrown into that net.

    2. From what I read, they changed a few things in early 2019, only one doctor required to section someone, as against two, prior. You cannot sue the NHS in these times for negligence because of course, they are so overwhelmed by CON-VID, to the point where all other care & treatments were cancelled.

      I try to avoid allopathic medicine for myself & family, only use it in emergencies, I am fortunate to be able to do so, as my background is in nutrition & other healing modalities.

      Insanity has always been used to quell dissent, of course the symptoms of insanity are wide & varied, so they say, anger & raising your voice, especially in public, is one such symptom, even though it is of course your passion against an injustice you perceive, I’m not of course defending beating people up, although in these times there are some I would gladly wack!

      So here we are, where the insane, those infected with the hate life and joy parasite, are now calling anyone who does not want treatment & won’t consent, mentally ill, twas ever thus!

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