To be a Christian

What makes someone a Christian? The live stream covers the three major definitions people use to classify someone “Christian.” These rely on a combination of the Bible, Jesus’ life, Jesus’ death. The Passover sacrifice is substitution atonement. This creates a life debt. Why does the Gospel of Thomas seem to contradict this story? Why was Ezekiel’s revelation ignored? Could Cain and Able be the beginnings of the scapegoat vs the golden child?

24 thoughts on “To be a Christian

  1. this was such a great talk,james. i grew up pentacostal (long deep roots in africanism. shhh. don’t tell no one)and would stand in the church wondering almost a loud ‘so? how am i a sinner? i just GOT here! what you break down here is so resonant with me and on the grander scale absolutely spot on as we look around at hollywood making ritual sacrifices of people on the daily,then creating the correctly timed resurrection through PR and advertisement.

  2. On this Good Friday, I ask: “What if it is true? What if there is a debt caused by wrongdoing? Who but God could repay it? You cannot give what you do not have. Who but God is innocent enough to judge man?”

  3. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. – Romans 7:15

    I don’t believe every word in the Bible either, but I believe this. Following my heart has been a disaster so far.

  4. My thoughts on the scapegoat and golden child parallel in that they are archetypical and so make sense that family groups extend into political groups, or really group dynamics of any kind. I don’t doubt it sucks to be the golden child, in certain circumstances, as much as it sucks to be the scapegoat in others. I appreciate so much how thought-provoking you are above all! But, the question of accountability is what’s lacking, in Christianity, in to what now bleeds over into culture into the New Age movement and ‘liberalism/progressive’ in general, as we are currently defining it. Until we address accountability there is no moving past this paradigm. It’s just not enough to say, turn the other cheek, be the bigger person, move on, forgive and forget, throw money at the problem, have universal compassion, ‘feed’ the world, heal through prayer, it’s just too hollow. It serves tyranny, it makes it very easy for them, when it should be very expensive, and I refuse to do that ever again, or to expect this is ever the solution. Why hasn’t it worked yet, if it’sThe Way? Yet when I say that it’s like Stockholm Syndrome Globe.

    1. I agree. I also think the biggest strides we can make with accountability is in how easily we give over our consent to monsters. Yes, monsters are bad. But we are literally feeding them. That’s been a big lighthouse for me. Noticing how apprehensive so many of us are to admitting this truth.

  5. Your work is so important in this time mate. Tozer is bang on point! But Christ must be exalted, he is Yahweh’s plan to take back the world, we are in a turf war against the rule of this world. It is how we respond to him that counts! Praying for you

  6. Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher.”

    Tozer also said, “The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting.”

    He concludes, “Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many), he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the One and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.”

    1. “Christianity” is a shroud to hide the true gift of life/light from the divine source. The true arc of the covenant with the founder of life. “Christianity” mocks and condescends the gift and only perpetuates the original and only sin created by man. To doubt GOD and his will for his manifestation through the mechanics of bearing the one and only sol of man, occurring in all humanity at birth. You worship an infestation and imbalance that only creates the infection in humanity that you are seeing the reflection of today. Accountability to the gift you are given and therefore bearing its growth in singularity is all there is and you are nothing but a contradiction and conduit for the thorns that crucify this fundamental relationship. Most likely because its easier to grant your soul to a false agenda for pseudo comfort in what is now an ancient lie.

  7. For most Christians, like myself, it is frightening to explore ideas outside the dichotomy of christian doctrine. My great awakening began when I was fully honest with myself. I was trying to squeeze my theology or cosmology into a small box that was given to me by the church. I could no longer declare with hubris that the bible must be read like a history book or that every edit was perfect.

    Yet still I can say there is truth in Jesus Christ. How can we bring heaven to earth? By pursuing the good, the beautiful, and the true. Compassion is an essential ingredient. How can we bring hell to earth? By rejecting the good, the beautiful, and the true.

    Expanding my aperture allows me to look at scripture in a different light. Currently tricksters/deceivers lord over us with their technology. So there is truth in the idea that Jacob (the trickster) was given some kind of inheritance. The tricksters became kings of this jungle. However I reject the idea that God hated Esau. I think this story points to the truth that there will always be a power struggle in the jungle.

    1. ”I was trying to squeeze my theology or cosmology into a small box that was given to me by the church.“

      I found tremendous mental tension and constriction when following a similar mindset.

    2. My husband and I were nomadic, footing our way through building after building for over 30 years, and only eating sand for food. Our spirits were thirsty for the truth, and all we got was bullshit (I like that word). All these places were the same. Blah, blah, blah.

      Only when we stopped going was the creator spirit able to penetrate. We were so wrapped up in a paradigm that blocks the Spirit of Truth. We were living in a box, as Jamey below says, only hearing what came out of the mouth of a human puppet. The truth is not found in a building where these pastors were taught at seminaries that worship Lucifer.

      I had no idea where this would lead. I kept praying for the truth – it was out there somewhere. So, I started to look. The truth doesn’t quite come all at once, but in bits, like a puzzle wherein the scene slowly emerges.

      I do have one problem, however, and that is the thorn in my side. I’m working against a cynical heart which doesn’t suffer fools easily. I truly need to become compassionate with a teaching spirit.

  8. Great job again James.

    I think that no matter what your personal views and beliefs are, it can be agreed that our true creator is not a hateful, biased, vengeful one that makes no sense to me, never has and never will.

    I have read some of the bible, attended Sunday school, (which I loathed) and attended church on occasion. I do not think you need a middle man/woman to talk to God, as you say he/she is inside of all of us and we can open a dialogue at any time.

    I do seem to resonate with, and I have latterly felt like this, with a lot of John Lamb Lash’s research of the Nag Hammadi. In which the earth is a living thing of female energy, and along with the male energy of ‘Christos’ seeded all life including us on this earth.

    It is interesting that the video by Ken that you linked to, showing the plane of inertia with the magnetic simplex viewing film, looks very similar to the picture showing the galactic core as shown in JLL’s story of the fallen Aeon Goddess Sophia. His description is as follows:-

    The recognition that the fallen goddess scenario tells the story of OUR planet exclusively, and so engages humanity in an urgent and intimate way with the “earth goddess,” presents a block for some people, I have noted. Interest in this particular galaxy, the planet earth, and the conditions of human existence in this unique habitat where we are, may act as a deterrent or self-selection factor. I have noted that some people don’t care for this limited scenario, preferring to go beyond it toward a larger picture. I would argue that the larger picture will come into view when our perspective here on earth is clear, including our view of the origin of the earth and the role of the human species in terrestrial design.

    I think many stories feed into each other, it also seems to me, as I have said before, that everything that is organic has had an inorganic layer over it, and in some cases many layers, this is to confuse, divide and to ultimately control us and separate us from our creator(s) – it is done by deceivers and tricksters who have indeed infected many humans with their particular sickness.

    I do not think that it was the Gnostics who were responsible for hiding the truth; rather they are the ones who have tried to tell us the truth in these texts.

  9. That was quite the sermon Pastor True! Of course, being remembered as a great philosopher is, in my opinion, the coolest way to be…and you remind me, so much, of Ralph Waldo Emerson too. I have all of Emerson’s essays and have actually read them. He was cool and also a poet, like you. He wanted to be a preacher but the organized asshole knuckle dragging mouth breathers who controlled the churches were all believers in a HISTORICAL JESUS and A LITERAL translation of The Holy Bible, the SAME ilk of asshole that kicked the Gospel of Thomas to the curb by eliminating it from the Bible. That’s one reason Emerson said, “The Devil is an ass.” Emerson settled for telling the church to eat shit and die, then went on to tell The Truth about the nature of God and man. Books like THOMAS and many others were conveniently eliminated. There were 45 others found between the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Nag Hammadi Library. If the Bible had 111 books, not 66, and we had a fucking clue what they actually meant, these Luciferian assholes would’nt have it so fucking easy. Until we can collectively remove our heads from our assholes and start interpreting the Bible (and The Torah) ESOTERICALLY, and also grasp the Flat-Earth-Like TRUTH that both JESUS & MOSES are mythical characters, not “real” historical men, who are, in reality, SYMBOLIC for THE DIVINITY WITHIN. Where is the kingdom of God? Like it says in LUKE 17:21…The Kingdom of God is “within” you. THOMAS WAS RIGHT and all the rest of them were DEAD WRONG, in Error. That’s one of Mary Baker Eddy’s synonyms for Satan…ERROR. That’s the biggest problem we have today. 99.9%, or more, of ALL CHRISTIANS honestly believe in a HISTORICAL JESUS and the LITERAL interpretation of the Bible. Therefore, none of them have a fucking clue as to WHAT either JESUS or MOSES actually are. That’s intentional too. The same kind of Luciferian assholes orchestrating this Scam-demic also BOUGHT ORGANIZED RELIGION just to make sure they suppressed all that Gnostic truth that THOMAS was selling. Because CONSTANTINE, the dipshit that created Christianity, COULD NOT convince his WIFE & MOTHER to stop believing that shit THOMAS was teaching and, instead, start believing in his HISTORICAL JESUS, he killed them both. I don’t know how he killed his mother, probably just threw her to the lions, but he did reportedly BOIL HIS WIFE TO DEATH IN HOT OIL. For anyone interested in learning the most powerful single teaching, which is central to EACH of the greatest spiritual traditions of the world…READ a book that turned 100 years old in 2020 entitled GOD-MAN: THE WORD MADE FLESH by Dr. George W. Carey. You can read it, for free, online too. I’ll stop now. Bless you all with LOVE, PEACE, JOY, and THE TRUTH OF JAMES TRUE.


  10. I would suggest that much of James’ repulsions to Paul’s words and others’ in the bible are the result of, get this, condensed aperture and a belief in the church father’s interpretations. Just like the Jews follow Moses, most “Christians” follow Paul’s words and do not subject them to Christ which will ultimately leave them with Moses (the ordinances of men) again. For example, Romans 13 doesn’t say “embrace the Roman citizenship” just as Jesus was not saying it either when He said, “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s.” In both instances, it can be brought under the word of God, which is Christ, which is “Thou shall not steal”. If you have something of Caesar’s, you had better return it. Paul starts with “pay taxes”, yet he ends with “owe no man anything.” We think we can have our cake and eat it too. We think we can use dollars, yet not be bitten by the snake that made them. Our navigating in the world can be summed up into “What contracts our we signing in our hearts. What oaths are we making and to whom?”

    “By your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned.”

    The bible doesn’t teach that God condemns, it actually teaches quite the contrary. It is men who teach condemnation and along with it substitution theory. The scapegoat and the goldenchild are the way a talmudic Jew would look at scripture. This is exactly the sort of thing Jesus was up against. God didn’t make Cain a wanderer in the earth (his own body), Cain made himself a wanderer. God made Adam and Eve garments of skin because they clearly wanted garments to cover themselves. God told Abraham to offer up his son Isaac for many reasons, not one of them being that God needed it. In the book of Jasher we see that Isaac had expressed how he was so religious that he would let his father offer him up as a sacrifice. It was that moment that Isaac condemned himself with his own words.

    “Swear by nothing, but let your yes be yes and your no be no. ANYTHING beyond this is EVIL”
    “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor” and “love your neighbor as yourself”
    “Make no oaths, for they will be required of you.

    Also, we don’t need the gnostic juice of the gospel of Thomas for Jesus to say “do not lie.” It’s apparent how He feels about it all throughout the bible.

    1. I find Paul’s words fascinating. If I was repulsed by them I certainly wouldn’t be live streaming about how important they are in understanding the human condition. Cheers.

      1. I love what Peter said about Paul and his writings, that they are hard to understand:
        2 Peter 3:15-17 “Bear in mind that the patience of our Lord means salvation—just as our dearly loved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom given to him. He speaks about these matters in all of his letters. Some things in them are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist (as they also do with the rest of the Scriptures)—to their own destruction. Since you already know all this, loved ones, be on your guard so that you are not led astray by the error of the lawless and lose your sure footing.

        In their Pauline Paradox series (available on YouTube),119 Ministries does a great job at dissecting Paul’s writings, which do not in the least match up to mainstream Christianities teachings. Blew me away. I will never again go to a “church” to be taught B.S.

    2. It is condensed aperture. So far from listening and reading James stuff, this is what i am witnessing. James has some good things to say but he is self absorbed and it interferes with his somewhat confused messages.

      He doesn’t let go but he’s great at talking about it. In this respect he is very much like Owen Benjamin. Many similarities. Different delivery.

  11. James was so on point…but to add fuel to this fire because that is what it needs, churchians will squirt over this and choose receive the gifts of the grabbler.
    Once again time has reached a stage for all to choose how to handle the inner conflicts over the pressing of oppression… open your heart and let the god within….transcend you to a higher level of being. God is not separate for you, it is you.
    Life is not unholy, your freewill can make it unholy.
    And Christians in america score low, constantly accepting evil. Will you accept a chip, will you except forced sodomy, will you accept artificial technological implants, will you accept harvesting of your energy. Will you accept everything the government wants to impose. It’s impossible to be a follower of jesus and wear a mask. Plain and simple. Go sit in your fire of despair and salvation until you come cleansed. Now you see.
    Blood will be spilt, individually and autonomously… through giving yourself to the grabbler or by standing up and being a follower of God, you, your source, heart, christ conscience, life. Let’s refine and redefine follower… walk equal, all is one, dare not let another lift your weight.
    It’s what you wanted, we all wanted, freedom. So be free. Risk, sacrifice yourself, or continue in the same path of being vindictive because someone called you out on your shit. Continue accepting abortion, ignorance.
    God is still glorious… but the dead do bury the dead. You think God fears death. You fear everything from bears, rocks, water, weather, make believe viruses, the sun, ants, a splinter.
    Just give me pleasure says the american christian. That’s why jesus died. No one died for your sins. That’s a grabble. Sacrificed happened for one mans self, imposed by an ugly society… you forced the sacrifice by the law of government and now all of you have the blood because of your disgraceful behavior…when you could have lived by truth. So what you going to do with that blood. Pray for jesus, still. Well, your praying for yourself to finally be something. So be it. Nothing outside of you is going to save you.
    Everyone experiences this turmoil. Even your leaders, and you are their lemmings in this war. It’s burning with the flames of truth and fire isn’t going out, ever.
    But it doesn’t need to be this. Life has the space for bliss, it’s actually all around. It’s you creating disorder by trying to create order. It’s you accepting the lie. It’s you who is also too skeptical. It’s you who calls themself a sinner and therefore everyone else is a sinner… but the fact is you who wear the mask and consume fear have let cowardice control all that you are. You are not free.
    We can go on and on and on… human life isn’t that special until it becomes special. Until you love the land, love the birds, love the life and finally see.
    Can you let go of the porno, the victim story, the ill family. Can you walk away and be god.
    Jesus aint going to save you, not the way you want boys and girls.
    So rather than investing your time in thinking life is some indian jones riddle, being a q tard…step up, turn everything off and face your compulsion and addiction and cry. Lets less painful than the tears of blood you actually deserve.
    Because some of us do know pain.

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