Dojo #11 – Boundaries and Love Triangles

We introduce the layout of the meeting and show the roles of tender and sponsor. Also, James’ behavior is called into the center and he explains his timeline and strife with the love triangle and his relationship with Andy.

2 thoughts on “Dojo #11 – Boundaries and Love Triangles

  1. I really felt the way Nicholas approached that sensitive topic was very compassionate. For someone to give you a heartfelt criticism in a kind way is a great opportunity to see those blind spots that often elude us.

  2. Sorry I was late due to work and then realized my mic wasn’t working. I did raise my hand and will share next time.
    I wanted to ask about the days and times for our Dojo meetings please? You had mentioned that we would be doing some later in the day for others and wanted to see if you and the tribe discussed to finalize?
    Great that Jason will be mod next time, Look forward to seeing you all soon!
    Have a good day,
    Melanie (star sourcer)

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