Dojo #99 – Moderated by Michael Wachter

Wednesday night Dojo with Michael Wachter.

One thought on “Dojo #99 – Moderated by Michael Wachter

  1. Great electricity and perspectives shared all around, and I wish I could’ve witnessed this in present time – my personal vitriol of having Wednesday night schooling.

    Right on about the rabbit holes, Robert – they’re infinite in number and distracting in nature, and I state that from past experience.

    Spot on about “I” VS “We/They”, Michiel S.

    Right on about “they” being an excuse for not having done anything, Michael W.

    I also feel an agitation akin to Brent’s when listening to people circling in the motor of sharing hypotheticals and “they” victimhood. It is certainly vitriol I still have to work with and alchemize.

    Joey M, I agree completely – the belts/the Dojo are not an ascension program.

    Dee, much respect and love for you and your electricity and love for yourself, the Tribe, and the Dojo.

    I also resonated with several different thoughts each from Antonio, James De, and Kris. Thank you, legends.

    Cheers and blessings, y’all!

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