Fall Creek Falls 10/28

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The Cherokee legend of the moon-eyed people is the Kaonashi. These are the faceless ones who ingest emotions to feel alive and their banishment led to the trail of tears.

Our Rhode Island 5.5 event was such a great opportunity for people to connect and we are doing it again in Tennessee and you are invited. We have reserved the entire Grandview Experience Lodge at Fall Creek Falls and are hosting a gathering on October 28th, 2023. Your ticket gets you day access to this amazing property and all its amenities. Meet and greet with James True and friends. Learn the local lore of the Cherokee moon-eyed people and the history of this very special place of Amuraca. We’ll do a live action fireside reading of the underground screenplay, The Hidden Hand and enjoy a Hunter moon fire in a private setting that will put all of us in our place.

We have a theme song and everything.

Fall Creek Falls 10.28

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