Dojo #117 – Moderated by Lorna Hartley

One thought on “Dojo #117 – Moderated by Lorna Hartley

  1. I watched a YT recently “Cybersecurity Is Everyone’s Responsibility : Razwan Mokhtar & Quentin Bignon” on an Islamic channel. It was very hard to listen to because of the accents in English. I find the digital language hard to follow and when I see all of you so confident in this medium it comes as such a surprise to find that same baseline paranoia about public platforms. After watching that video I now understand why it’s deliberately confusing. I only joined PayPal last year and have used it maybe 3 times. Every time I do I find the browser has been reset back to Google. I have a book with all my passwords in it even from sites I’ve only visited once so I have some serious pruning to do. Then I’ll add some notes to remind me how to find things on the sites I visit. When I get frustrated not reaching a goal in this space, I just let it go and try again the next day.
    The video I mentioned made a good point. The goal is to live our lives online. It would appear that how we do death and funerals is also where we are being funneled, Brent. Imagine how that would affect children and family members. I have issues with that!

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