Dojo #120 – Embrace the Belts

Brent doesn’t want the tribe to be stuck in vertical, the Virgo in him recommends sharing witness horizontally. Josh wants to do a class in DojoEarth to teach how to apply pressure to schools. Erica, our sun gazer is turning the tables at her son’s school while giving a cream pie in the face to a teacher. Marc sees red. James asks us to embrace all of the belts and how important this is. Anna is finding solutions for her dog, while Danny relates to the calmness while blowing in the wind. Moderated by Brent Scheneman.

Dojo #120 Chat:

12:35:58 From Amy Johnson to Everyone : The Inner Sky – by Stephen Forrest , great 12-12-12 (“planets”, houses, and signs) Teaches how one needs to be able to read their OWN charts. easy archetypal reference & good western astro learning.
12:43:29 From Anna Miller to Everyone : ugh.. had to take a work call.. i just missed all of that!
12:59:24 From Marc K. to Everyone : Meanwhile, Althea keeps crushing like a giant!
13:00:29 From Carla’s iPhone to Everyone : Erica- where did you say documents can be found?
13:01:20 From Erica to Everyone : The website is called Stand4Thee. It’s Canadian, but I’m sure it could be used as a template or something
13:01:46 From Erica to Everyone :
13:05:26 From Josh Reesman to Everyone : They have some great information on there. I’ll be discussing this in more detail on Monday the 8th at 3pm CT. Erica: If you can join then that would be awesome as well since you also have experience here!
13:05:53 From Erica to Everyone : I will be there Josh
13:06:29 From Josh Reesman to Everyone : awesome!
13:06:34 From Erica to Everyone : Will I be sent a link through patreon or will it be on dojo earth?
13:07:29 From Josh Reesman to Everyone : dojo earth – it wasn’t letting me create a new meeting prior to the dojo though… i shot james a note so maybe im doing it wrong? or maybe he can help troubleshoot. zoom link either way for dojo earth peeps and zoom link for dojo homeschool facebook peeps
13:07:58 From Erica to Everyone : ok
13:08:16 From Kristin Hanna to Everyone : regarding vertical zoom display, my screen is locked unless I enable face recognition or create a passcode, which I’ve chosen not to do. any other hints on how to release the screen lock? it’s an early model iPhone10
13:20:08 From Dee Mac to Everyone : neighbor was victimized, no empathy i feel 😔
13:30:34 From Michael Watcher to Everyone : did she ask you to put up the fence or did you do it of your own accord? she may have seen you putting up that fence as you putting up a boarder between you both.
13:31:15 From Dee Mac to Everyone : oooh, good point
13:31:21 From victoriavengeance to Everyone : Sorry Guys, have to go. Have a great day!
13:37:32 From James True to Everyone : Juicy dojo
13:39:26 From David Traina to Everyone : You are badass Erica!
13:39:50 From Elizabeth van D to Everyone : I agree with you David
13:41:00 From Dee Mac to Everyone : my name was gonna be trixie….or popsickle
13:47:41 From Adrienne G to Everyone : Anna thank you for your share, you just made me realize how much energy and a charge I carry in order to keep track of my pitt
13:49:38 From James True to Everyone : witness
13:50:04 From James True to Everyone : Roses have thorns!
13:50:22 From Amy Johnson to Everyone : chicken wire with hops or beans growing on it!
13:53:53 From Py to Everyone : Dogs need witness
13:54:20 From David Traina to Everyone : The Virgo in me sent Kristin a fix
13:58:49 From James True to Everyone : Locksmith is here. So sorry to have to leave early. Love this story Dee!!! Massive victory
14:00:31 From Michael Watcher to Everyone : dee mac you’re a juggernaut man!


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