Dojo #29 – Natural Law vs Common Law and Sheen

On tonight’s Dojo, we discuss victories in energy, NOL as it affects our field. Polygamy as an energy. Moderated by Michael Wachter.

One thought on “Dojo #29 – Natural Law vs Common Law and Sheen

  1. I give thanks for all who attended the dojo tonite. To clarify my position, when babylon strikes you with unlawful orders you have the right to lift your hands to defend yourself according to the universal principles of the non aggression principle under natural law. To initiate unjust or undue force or violence is immoral and therefore we have the right to defend ourselves. The NOL is NOT an initiation of an adhesion contract it is the natural response to an offer to contract. We can decline the offer and flip the script on the aggressors.

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